Events to Look Out for Next Week

  • The Tankan Large Manufacturing Index (JPY, GMT 00:50) – The overall business conditions of the large manufacturing companies in Japan is expected to decline to -27 from -21 last time, with the Outlook holding up at -17 and remaining unchanged.
  • The FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) (CNY, GMT 02:00) – The Chinese Economy has been recovering with significant FDI again, last time the data ratcheted to 6.4%.
  • Industrial Production (Oct) (EUR, GMT 10:00) – The volume of production of Industries for factories and manufacturing has been slowly recovering but showing signs of stalling. September’s negative -0.4% is expected to show a rebound to +1.8% for the October reading.

Tuesday – 15 December 2020

  • RBA Rate Meeting Minutes (AUD, GMT 12:30) – RBA kept policy settings unchanged – as widely expected, which left the three-year yield target at 0.10% and the cash rate target also at 0.10%. Governor Lowe said in his statement that the RBA doesn’t expect to lift the cash rate for at least three years. There was no dissention from the official line and little new is likely from the minutes.
  • Retail Sales & Ind. Production (CNY, GMT 02:00) – Chinese Retail Sales are expected to rise to 5.2% from 4.3% last time and Industrial production is expected to rise to 7.1% from 6.9% as data continues to improve.
  • Claims, Unemployment Rate and Earnings (GBP, GMT 07:00) – UK data flow recently has been remarkably resilient in the face of the pandemic the ongoing Brexit uncertainty. Today data is expected to show unemployment stable at 4.8%, claims increasing significantly to 50,000 and earnings slipping to under 1.0%.

Wednesday – 16 December  2020

  • PPI, CPI & Retail Sales (GBP, GMT 07:00) – More UK data, Inflation from producer and consumer spending and Retail Sales all expected to show declines for the month and on an annualized basis. Retails Sales may hold up over 1.3%.
  • Markit PMI Composite (EUR, GMT 09:00) – The Composite figure is expected to show some resilience but remaining very weak rising to just 45.5 from 43.3. The shocks could be around the Services figures for Germany and France earlier in the day. Manufacturing data was showing some lead before the latest round of lockdowns.
  • US Retail Sales (USD, GMT 13:30) – Expectations are for  a -0.2% November retail sales headline with a flat ex-autos measure, following respective October gains of 0.3% and 0.2%.
  • FED – Statement, Interest Rate Decision and Projections (USD, GMT 19:00) – Beige Book for the December 15-16 FOMC was on the dour side amid the surge in virus, renewed restrictions, and worries over looming expiration of unemployment benefits and moratoriums on foreclosures. 

Thursday – 17 December 2020

  • Employment and Unemployment Rate (AUD, GMT 00:30) – The Australian jobs market is expected to show a dramatic fall in employment to -30,000 as unemployment ticks up from 7%.
  • SNB Interest Rate Decision and MPA (CHF, GMT 08:30) – As with other Central banks, no change is expected from the SNB with regards to interest rates, however, given the CHF’s rapid appreciation to near six year highs versus the weakening USD there maybe some reference to the currency. 
  • BOE Interest Rate & APF Decision, MPC Mins & Vote (GBP, GMT 12:00) Last time the BOE had to act after turning more pessimistic on the outlook in the light of the renewed lockdown and the increase in the asset purchase target was more generous than markets had expected. This is unlikely to have improved in the short term.

Friday – 18 December 2020

  • BOJ Interest Rate, MP Statement and Press Conference (JPY, GMT 03:00)– It’s widely expected, the BOJ will leave rates and asset purchases unchanged. BOJ head Kuroda is likely to again stress the downside risks, as economic outlook remains uncertain, but recent data has provided surprises to the upside,  but a volatile recovery path is likely.
  • UK Retail Sales (GBP, GMT 07:00) – Expectations are for the headline number to be 4.2% on a YoY basis down from 5.8%, last time, the MoM data for November to show an unchanged 1.2% and the key Core figure to fall to 5.9% from 7.8% last  time.
  • IFO Business Climate, Assessment & Expectations (EUR, GMT 09:00) – All three indicators are expected to show declines this month, coming in at 90.2, from 90.7, 89.3 from 90.0 and 91.5 from 92.9, respectively.

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Stuart Cowell

Head Market Analyst

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