Home Tags USDCHF


Prospects for Yen and Franc, as Hedging Assets

US President Joe Biden unexpectedly announced that he will complete his current term, but not run for re-election. This development introduced a new layer...

The SNB Cut Rates for the Second Time In 2024! Global Stocks Rise!

The Swiss National Bank cuts interest rates for a second time in 2024. The Swiss Franc trades 0.70% lower against the US Dollar. ...

The Swiss Franc Continues to Struggle After SNB’s Shock Rate Cuts!

The US Durable Goods Orders read higher than expectations rising from -6.1% to +1.4%. Core Goods Orders also rose and were slightly higher...

The Two Best Performing Major Currencies of 2023!

In 2022, the best performing currency was the US Dollar, which outcompeted the whole of the market. This was largely due to the Federal...

USDCHF – The SNB wants to sound hawkish: but does it really need to?

Yesterday, was a day with plenty of unexpected events. The Norwegian Norges and the British BOE have displaced investors by surprising to the upside...

USDCHF: Caught between FOMC & SNB

USDCHF, Daily The sharp fall in US and European financial stocks did not help the US Dollar, which underperformed last week and remained sluggish during...