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Market Update – November 7 – USD subdued & Commodities hold onto gains

The mixed NFP data on Friday, the rumours of China removing Zero Covid restrictions and comments from FED member Evans all combined to...

Market Update – March 10 – Stocks & EUR Bounce, Oil sinks, Gold &...

Risk On re-emerged yesterday as stocks rallied (NASDAQ +3.59%, Nikkei +3.8%) as Russia-Ukraine Fin. Mins. meet in Turkey, OIL dived (-12% at one point)...

Market Update – March 2 – Risk-Off Returns

Risk Off mood returned as stock markets dived and safe havens from the USD to US Treasuries rallied. Oil & GOLD markets surged,  Brent...

Market Update – Major risk-off market moves as sanctions bite

Major RISK OFF mood in markets as they believe weekend announcements, unlike initial sanctions, will have significant impact. Rouble down 30% at record lows,...

Market Update – November 10 – Inflation, Oil & Yields

USD (USDIndex 94.09) recovers 94.00, PPI in-line with exceptions but Chinese PPI hit an all-time (26-yr) high +13.5%% & CPI doubled last month...

Loonie ahead of a potentially bitter Canadian data

Global recovery expectations continue to firm while inflation worries have abated, for now. The employment reports are the hot topic of the week, since...