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Heritage Adisa

43 MENSAJES 0 Comentarios
As an Economics graduate, Heritage has a natural interest in how the economy works and more importantly how it relates to finance; he has pursued this interest by exploring the financial markets, seeking knowledge and earning the Capital Markets and Securities Analyst designation (CMSA) from the Corporate Finance Institute in Canada. He is also certified in the CFA’s Investment Foundation Program amongst other certifications in the Financial Markets industry. As a Market Analyst, Heritage uses inter-market analysis and market sentiment to approach the market and is dedicated to sharing his knowledge with other traders through trainings and delivering daily market analysis. He believes that patience, consistency and proper risk management are keys to successful trading.

AstraZeneca se prepara para informar su primer estado financiero con la contribución de Alexion

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Vista previa de las ganancias del cuarto trimestre de Qualcomm

Se espera que el gigante estadounidense de tecnología Qualcomm, una multinacional que crea semiconductores y equipos de telecomunicaciones, software y servicios de tecnología inalámbrica...