Beranda Penulis Dikirim oleh Ahura Chalki

Ahura Chalki

With more than 12 years of experience and giving financial advice in more than eight different countries, Ahura Chalki is a leader who is always thinking of ways to creatively make ideas more effective. Characteristics that can describe him better are passionate, dreamy and hard-working. These abilities always help him in the business to choose the easiest way, and also to describe business strategies in words that are easy and understandable to other traders and students. Ahura has been active in the global stock markets since 2006, and has also developed a consulting company to help other traders develop their skills alongside his independent collaboration with HotForex. Trading in the stock market is an important part of his life, and he believes that this is one of the most enjoyable activities in his life.

Pemilu AS – Konfrontasi Biru-Merah

Ekonomi dalam Teori Bipartisan Disaat  mendekati pemilu AS, banyak pedagang bertanya apa yang terjadi pada pasar setelah pemilihan. Jawaban atas pertanyaan ini sulit, karena perubahan...

BOA dan Perang Bertahan, Laporan Pendapatan Kuartar Pertama (Q1)

Bank of America Corporation Common Stock (BAC) 2020 Laporan Penghasilan kuartal pertama. Bank of America Corporation diharapkan melaporkan pendapatannya pada hari Rabu 15 April, sebelum...