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Boon to the Oil-correlating assets

The Canadian Dollar has rallied, like other commodity currencies, amid rising global stock markets. Front-month WTI crude prices also hit a new high at $35.77,...

FX Update: Oil-correlating currencies pressured

Oil currencies have come under pressure concomitantly with crude prices hitting 21-year lows, while most Dollar pairings and associated crosses have been trading in...

Oil Outlook

The Oil outlook remains under pressure as COVID-19 disruptions accelerates and with the OPEC+ agreement in tatters. Just to remind you at this point...

Oil shocks!

It looks like a black Monday as the collapse in oil prices triggered sharp reactions across forex, bond and stock markets. The breakdown in...

Crude Oil as novel coronavirus spreads

You might be wondering how a virus can affect the markets and significantly the Oil outlook. The answer to this is related to the...

Oil retests 57 barrier again – Supported by fundamentals

Oil remained supported ahead of the OPEC Plus committee later this week and as Saudi Arabia ousted its energy minister. The WTI future remains...