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Heritage Adisa

As an Economics graduate, Heritage has a natural interest in how the economy works and more importantly how it relates to finance; he has pursued this interest by exploring the financial markets, seeking knowledge and earning the Capital Markets and Securities Analyst designation (CMSA) from the Corporate Finance Institute in Canada. He is also certified in the CFA’s Investment Foundation Program amongst other certifications in the Financial Markets industry. As a Market Analyst, Heritage uses inter-market analysis and market sentiment to approach the market and is dedicated to sharing his knowledge with other traders through trainings and delivering daily market analysis. He believes that patience, consistency and proper risk management are keys to successful trading.


美国科技巨头高通公司是一家为全球客户提供半导体和电信设备、软件和无线技术服务的跨国公司,预计将于 2021 年 11 月 3 日星期三收市后公布其第四季度和 2021 财年的收益和收入。 全年,高通表现出色,每个季度都超过其盈利预期,最近两个季度的预期超过 14%,自 2018 年初以来的情况类似。预计这种表现将持续下去,尤其是在Qualcomm 宣布推出全球首个提供 5G 和 AI 功能的无人机平台和参考设计,并与 GlobalFoundries 达成协议,制造先进的 5G 多千兆速度 RF 前端产品,以满足不断增长的需求,并与谷歌和雷诺集团为雷诺新款 Megane...